Thursday, December 2, 2010


Dear readers,

My sister Lilly and I always throw odd/interesting ideas and hypotheses at each other to discuss, and Lilly came up with the idea of making our idea-throwing into a blog.

Lilly is an Archaeology major and former Film major, and I, Dory, am an English Education major, French minor, and former Linguistics major.  We like to speculate on everything from literature to history to science to, sometimes, math.  We come up with interesting ideas about how the world works, how human nature has evolved, and we like to get input on it.  Usually from each other, but with this blog we'd like to open that role up to you.

This is an intellectual forum, where your ideas are as valid as anyone else's. Please comment, and give us your reactions, your contradictions, your ideas, your knowledge.  You are very welcome!

Lilly and Dory


  1. Dory you look like my Aunt Jill ^_^ that's a good thing... this blog is going to be amazing to read- I am looking forward to more =)

  2. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find our blog?

  3. I confess, I do like the Bela Lugosi picture because it makes my arms look long.

  4. Wow, you're right, it does! And that shadow makes my waist look extra-angular.
